Walia Family Burns Unit Donation
Friday 12 January 2024
A massive thank you to the Walia family who presented a cheque to the Burns Unit at Stoke Mandeville Hospital after raising over £12,500!
The family chose to raise funds for the Burns Unit after Sanjay and Reena became patients of the Burns Unit last year. On their incredibly successful JustGiving page, they said ending up at the Burns Unit at Stoke Mandeville was ‘a godsend.’
The Family presented the cheque to colleagues within the Burns Unit, as well as Raghuv Bhasin, Chief Operation Officer for the Trust.
During the cheque presentation, Dr Alex Murray, Consultant Plastic and Burns Surgeon:
Thank you, to you as a family, and to your friends and colleagues and people that I know have been involved in raising this amazing amount of money which is going to be so beneficial for our Burns Service and for our future patients...
As if this incredible donation wasn’t enough already, the family intend to continue raising funds for the Burns Unit into 2024!
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