Terms and conditions for the use of Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund logo
All external fundraising activities conducted in order to support Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds, seeking to utilise the logo in order to promote their fundraising event, should observe these terms and conditions.
Use of the logo by trust staff and volunteers
Staff and/or volunteers may use the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund Logo without obtaining prior approval from the Charitable Funds. However, the Charitable Funds Head of Finance and Governance or the Charitable Funds Officer, for reporting purposes, should be informed of events and informational materials for which the logo is going to be used.
The logo may also be used for publications that the Trust may produce with or without external partners in connection with the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds, including, posters, brochures, books, videos, flash and PowerPoint presentations, banners, illustrations, and animations.
Use of the logo by external entities and the general public
Parties outside the Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust may use the logo after obtaining approval from the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds in accordance with the requirements outlined below. 2 3 The logo of the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds is primarily intended for information and fundraising use:
Information uses of the logo
Information uses of the logo are those which are:
- Primarily illustrative
- Not intended to raise funds; and
- Not carried out by a commercial entity.
All entities interested in using the Charitable Fund logo for information purposes must apply for approval to the Charitable Funds Committee. When requesting approval, the entities should provide:
- A short statement of identity (nature of the organisation and its objectives);
- An explanation of how and where the logo will be used.
Before the logo is used for information purposes, authorisation from the committee must have been granted to the entity/person requesting to use the logo.
Fundraising uses of the logo
Fundraising uses of the logo are those intended to raise resources for Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds.
Fundraising uses of the logo may be undertaken only by non-commercial entities. All entities interested in using the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds for fundraising purposes must apply for approval to the Charitable Funds head of finance and governance.
When requesting permission to use the logo for fundraising purposes, the entities/third parties must provide:
- A short statement of identity (nature of the organisation and its objectives);
- An explanation of how and where the logo will be used;
- An explanation of how the fundraising will take place;•
- A summary budget; and
- An explanation of how the proceeds would be allocated to Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds.
Before the logo is used for fundraising purposes, authorisation from the Committee must have been granted to the entity/person requesting to use the logo.
All entities/individuals authorised to use the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund logo for the purposes specified herein must agree to the following provisions on waiver of liability:
- The entity is responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out in accordance with the applicable law and for ensuring that the appropriate insurance is maintained to cover the risks arising out of such activities;
- That Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds does not assume any responsibility for the activities carried out by all entities/individuals authorised to use the logo; and
- The entity/individual shall hold harmless and defend the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds and its officials against any action that may be brought against the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds, the Trust or its officials as a result of the use of the logo.
When the logo is used for information and fundraising purposes, all the required information must be received by the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds before the proposed activities are carried out.
- The Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds logo is property of the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds and the Trust and both organisations own all rights to its use.
- The Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund logo can only be used to identify events and activities related to Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds and the Trust.
- The Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund logo may only be used after a request for the Use of the Logo has been submitted to the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds and authorised.
- By using the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund logo, you agree to provide information on the events or activities during which it is used, to the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds and Trust. This information will be used for reporting purposes on the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds activities.
- Neither the logo nor the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund name may be used in any other company name, product name, service name, domain name, website title, publication title, or the like without prior approval by the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds Committee.
- The use of the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund logo or publication of an event on any third party website, does not imply Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds or the Trust’s endorsement of the planned activities.
- The Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund logo may not be reproduced for the purpose of self-promotion, or obtaining any commercial or personal financial gain, nor may it be used in any manner which implies the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds or Trust endorsement of the activities carried out.
- To properly stage the logo, a minimum clearance between the logo and other elements must be maintained. The Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds will provide a sample logo, no other logos are authorised.
- The logo must stand alone and may not be combined with any other object, including but not limited to other logos, words, graphics, photos, slogans, numbers, design features, or symbols.
- The logo must not be used on letterheads. No member outside of the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds or the Trust should use the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds letterhead. Logos are not to appear solely on any correspondence.
- The Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and The Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund will be seeking indemnity for improper use of The Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund logo.
Making a request
If you wish to use Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds logo for fundraising please send a proposal to the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds.
Please give credit to the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds when using the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund logo.
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds or the Trust reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify permission to display the logo, and may request that third parties modify or delete any use of the logo that, in Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds sole judgment, does not comply with these guidelines, or might otherwise impair Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Funds rights in the logo.
Download our logo
Once you have permission to use our logo, you may download the following files. There are a few different formats available for you to use. The colour version must be used whenever possible. The white version can be used if you need to place our logo against a dark background. The black version can be used if you are printing something in black and white.