Amersham Dermatology Garden Opening
Friday 10 May 2024
On Thursday, May 9, we celebrated the opening of the Large Dermatology Garden at Amersham Hospital, with guests including garden volunteers, corporate donors who have supported the project and dermatology colleagues.
The event was a chance to show off the incredible work of our Amersham Hospital Garden Volunteers, thank the community groups and corporate sponsors who have supported the project and talk about the other projects ongoing around the hospital site.
Speaking at the garden opening, the chair of our Charitable Fund Committee said:
Research shows that gardens are really really important for health and wellbeing, whether that be for our colleagues here at the NHS Trust, whether it be for our patients, or their loved ones when they come with them or visit them, here at the hospital. Not only is it improving results for the health and wellbeing of our staff, we know that having access to outdoor space, being able to see or sit in the garden, will also in the long term, reduce the length of stay that our patients will have in hospital. The project has been supported by charitable funds, as well as grants from oter
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